German Holidays

There are many traditional celebrations and holidays in Germany. Some have a religous tradition and some are set by the government. In the following you´ll find a description of the whole year.   Dates for public holidays can be found online.


Holiday:         New Year's Day

Date:              1 January

Where valid:   all over Germany

photo: Silvester in Leipzig

Heilige Drei Könige

Holiday:          Epiphany

Date:               6 January

Where valid:   Baden Wurttemberg, Bavaria,                            Saxony Anhalt

 photo: nativity figures


Holiday:          Good Friday

Date:              Easter Sunday - 2 days

Where valid:   all over Germany

photo: church window with crucifixion of Christ


Holiday:          Easter Monday

Date:              Easter Sunday +1 day

Where valid:  all over Germany

photo: girl searching Easter eggs (tradition in Germany)

Tag der Arbeit

Holiday:          Labour Day

Date:              1 May

Where valid:   all over Germany

photo:set up of May tree in Bavaria

Christi Himmelfahrt

Holiday:          Ascension Day

Date:              Easter Sunday + 39 days

Where valid:   all over Germany

photo: painting in a church


Holiday:         Whit Monday

Date:              Easter Sunday + 50 days

Where valid:   all over Germany

photo: mosaic showing holy spirit coming down to apostels and disciples


Holiday:          Corpus Christi

Date:              Easter Sunday + 60 days

Where valid:   Baden Wurttemberg, Bavaria,                            Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia,                        Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland

photo: ceremonial procession for Corpus Christi

Mariä Himmelfahrt

Holiday:          Assumption Day

Date:              15 August

Where valid:   most parts of Bavaria, Saarland

photo: Madonna in a church

Tag der Deutschen Einheit

Holiday:          German Unity Day

Date:              3 October

Where valid:   all over Germany

photo: part of the Berlin Wall which separated the today's capital from 1961-1989


Holiday:          Reformation Day

Date:              31 October

Where valid:   Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-

                       Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-                        Anhalt,Thuringia


photo: Martin Luther, Dresden Frauenkirche


Holiday:          All Saints

Date:              1 November

Where valid:   Baden Wurttemberg, Bavaria,                            North Rhine-Westphalia,                                    Rhineland-Palatinate,                                        Saarland

photo: cemetery with grave lights and flowers

Buß- und Bettag

Holiday:          Repentance and Prayer Day

Date:              2nd Wednesday before 1st                                Advent

Where valid:   Saxony

photo: woman praying in the church


Holiday:          Christmas Day

Date:              25 December

Where valid:   all over Germany

photo: christmas tree

2. Weihnachtsfeiertag

Holiday:          St Stephens Day / Boxing Day

Date:              26 December

Where valid:   all over Germany

photo: christmas decoration