What to do if...

...you change your address

If you move to a new address, please do the following:

  • Send an email with your new address to indians@hek.de.
  • In this email add your employer and your insurance broker in cc.
  • Please use as subject your complete name and your date of birth.

You will not need new health insurance cards as the new address will be stored in the chip when you next visit the doctor. 

...you have not received your health insurance card

As a first step, please check:

  • Is your surname and - if applicable - the surname of your dependents placed on your mailbox so that the postman can deliver the card?
  • Have you already sent your personal photo for the health insurance card to HEK? If not, please send it to indians@hek.de and use as subject your complete name and your date of birth.

If the first steps are done and you are still waiting for your card, please send a request to indians@hek.de and ask if something is still missing and when you can expect the card.

...you need a confirmation or document from your health insurance

If you need a confirmation of your health insurance, for example for the visa office or for "Elterngeld" (parental benefit), please send a request to indians@hek.de.

HEK wil send the necessary documents to your home address, so please list your current address in your email in order to avoid delay.

Public health insurances send the documents only by mail or fax (not by email, because of data security). So you should send your request as early as possible and take into account, that it will take some days until the post can be delivered to you.

...you need information about the coverage

If you have a specific enquiry about the coverage of public health insurances or in particular of HEK, you can call the English-speaking toll-free medical-hotline at HEK-Team direct: 0800 0213213.

Or you can send an email with your question to indians@hek.de.

There are specialists who can give you detailled information about what is covered under your health insurance.

If you feel that you want to have more coverage than you currently have, you can check here if a supplementary health insurance would be interesting for you.