German English
Abitur school leaving examination
Abmeldung deregistration (e.g. at resident´s registration office) (New home)
Abwasser sewage water (New home)
ADAC German Automobile Club
Allerheiligen All Saints
Altkleider old clothes garbage
Ambulanz Accident and Emergency
Anmeldung registration (e.g. at resident´s registration office) (New home)
Antragsformular application form
Apotheke chemist´s
Apothekennotdienst chemists on duty out of hours
Arbeitsamt job centre
Arbeitserlaubnis work permit
Arbeitslosigkeitsversicherung unemployment insurance
Arbeitsvertrag employment contract
ärtzliche Bereitschaftdienst doctors on duty service
ASU car exhaust test
Augenarzt eye specialist (Doctor´s appointment)
Ausbildung apprenticeship / vocational training
Auslandsbehörde foreigners´ authority
Autobahn motorway
Autoversicherung car insurance
Autowaschanlage car washing facilities