German | English |
Bahn | railway (also name of the company) |
Bahncard | railway discount card |
Bankeinzug | direct debit (Bank account) |
Barabhebung | cash withdrawal (Bank account) |
Belegarzt | practitioner affiliated with a hospital (Baby) |
Berufsinformationszentrum (BIZ) | vocational information centre |
Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung | occupational disability insurance |
Betriebsrat | works council |
Betriebsrente | company pension |
biometrisches Passbild | passport photo |
Biomüll | food waste |
Blitzer | speeding camera |
Brezel | pretzel |
Bruttoeinkommen | gross income |
Bundesagentur für Arbeit | job centre |
Bundesland | state |
Buß- und Bettag | Repentance and Prayer Day |
Christi Himmelfahrt | Ascension Day |
Dachgeschoss (DG) | roof or loft apartment / top floor |
Datenschutzerklärung | data privacy statement |
Dauerauftrag | standing order (Bank account) |
Deutsche Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) | German Academic Exchange |
Deutsche Post | post office |
Döner | doner kebab |