German English
Kaiserschnitt Caesarean Section (Baby)
Kaltmiete (KM) rent without heating expenses included
Karfreitag Easter Friday
Karneval Carnival
Karneval der Kulturen Carnival of Cultures
Kartoffeln potatoes
Kaution deposit (in a rental contract)
Kautionsversicherung landlord guarantee insurance (Landlord)
KFZ-Zulassungsstelle Vehicle Registration Office (Car registration)
Kinderarzt paediatrician (Doctor´s appointment, Baby)
Kinderklinik paediatric clinic (Baby)
Kinderkrippe crèche
Kindersitz child seat
Kindertagestätten kindergarten
Kinderuntersuchungsheft children´s medical examinations booklet (Baby)
Kirchensteuer church tax
Kirmes fair
Kleinanzeigen classifieds section of newspaper
Kompost compost / food waste
Kontoauszug bank statement
Kontoüberziehung overdraft (Bank account)
Krabbelgruppen toddler groups
Kraftfahrzeugversicherung car insurance
Kraftfahrzeugzulassung car registration
Krankenhaus hospital (Baby)
Krankenkasse public health insurer
Krankenwagen ambulance (Doctor´s appointment)
Kreditkarte credit card (Bank account)
Küche kitchen (New home)
Kuchen cake